Pardon Details

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Pardon Details

Eligibility Requirements:

Time elapsed:

The person must wait a certain period after completing their sentence. This includes serving time, paying fines, or completing any other conditions such as parole or probation. o For summary offenses: 5 years after completing the sentence. o For indictable offenses: 10 years after completing the sentence.

No new criminal convictions:

The person must not have any new criminal convictions during the waiting period.


The person must demonstrate that they have been law-abiding and have shown signs of rehabilitation during the waiting period.

Application Process:

Complete the application:

The individual must fill out the application form provided by the Parole Board of Canada (PBC).

Gather documents:

This includes obtaining a copy of their criminal record and documents from police and court systems confirming the completion of their sentence. In addition, they may need to provide information regarding their rehabilitation and community involvement.

Submit the application:

The completed application, along with the necessary documents and fees, is submitted to the Parole Board of Canada.

Review and Decision:

• The Parole Board of Canada reviews the application, criminal record, rehabilitation efforts, and the circumstances surrounding the offense. • The Board may ask for additional information, conduct interviews, or seek input from other organizations or the police. • A decision will be made on whether the person meets the criteria for a record suspension.

Granting a Record Suspension:

• If the Parole Board grants the record suspension, the criminal record will be separated from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database and will be kept confidential. • This means that the criminal record will not show up in most background checks, but it can still be accessed under specific circumstances, such as for serious national security reasons.

Refusal of a Pardon:

• If the application is denied, the individual may reapply at a later date if their situation changes or if they complete additional rehabilitation efforts. • In some cases, a denial may be due to factors like non-completion of sentences, repeat offenses, or ongoing criminal behavior.”

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